
Gloves & Helmets – Important protective gear for your hands and head

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Posted By David Hemphill


Protection from hard leather for the palm of your hand and fingers.

Remember that it is extremely important to have protection for your palm and fingers when handling the hard leather cricket ball that is hurled at you at incredible speed and power either by a bowler or a fielder. Well-cushioned cricket gloves offer the much-needed protection to the palm and fingers from serious injuries that can be caused by the cricket ball when negotiating it either as a batsman or as a wicket-keeper. In addition to the protection, it provides much-needed comfort for your hands by absorbing the intense pressure exerted at the impact of the ball. Fitting, Designs and comfort are also given due importance when manufacturing these gloves to meet the full purpose. A well-manufactured pair of cricket gloves with all these necessary features makes it the perfect gear needed by the sportsperson in his hands when playing the sport. Soft on your hands and fingers, but takes all the impact.

Helmets are lifesaving protective equipment

Head is probably the most vital part of the body that always needs protection from brute force or impact. Even a minor injury to any part of the head can result in serious complications and sometimes even in immediate death. Keeping this in mind, Cricket helmets are specially designed using the latest technology with all necessary safety mechanisms in place to prevent any sort of damage to the head-on impact. It also protects the ears, eyes, nose and all other parts of the face. Extensive importance is also given to the fact the player can wear them with utmost ease and comfort thereby reducing the load on the head. The helmet must be able to absorb all the impact caused by a ball made of hard leather travelling at a possibly average speed of 150 Km/Hour. Light on your head, but maximum prevention from injuries all the time.

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