
How Far Does the Average Golfer Hit a Driver?

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Posted By German Blum

How far should you average when you hit your driver? What is the regular distance for each of your golf clubs? These are two of the most popular questions people have when they’re new to the game of golf. However, the answer isn’t black and white, and it really depends on a lot of factors.

The clubs you want to use, the weather conditions, the balls you use, your physical fitness levels, your age, gender, athleticism, coordination, how solidly you connect the ball, and your swing speed all factor into this answer. So, we’re going to give you rough averages, and you can use this as a starting point to get a more definitive answer.

The Wide Distances Golfers Achieve

The average yardage you’ll get with each golf depends because it varies from golfer to golfer. One golfer’s 7-iron distance is another golfer’s 5-iron distance or another golfer’s 3-iron distance. It’s important to note that there is no wrong answer; there is only your personal distance. Knowing your distances is more important than knowing how far each club is supposed to drive the ball.

The PGA Tour pros can hit their drives between 280 and 320-yards on average, and the LPGA Tour pros can hit an average drive of 230 to 270-yards. On the other hand, a recreational golfer has an average drive range of 190 to 205-yards. This is why it’s not a good idea to compare yourself to the best golfers in the world. Although a few recreational golfers can outdrive professional golfers, they’re rare.

Learning Your Driving Yardages

Once you start playing, you’ll find out quickly if you’re a long or short hitter by comparing your yardages with the people you play with. There is nothing wrong with being a short hitter, and being a long hitter doesn’t necessarily guarantee that you’ll get a lower score. It all comes down to how much time and effort you’re willing to put into the game.

Another thing to consider is that hitting the ball far doesn’t really matter much if you can’t hit it straight enough to get the ball on the green. But, if you’re looking for an average distance charge for the varying clubs, including drivers, we’ll outline that next. This way, you can get a rough estimate and see how you stack up and improve as you play.

Distance Chart for Golf Clubs

The yardages we listed below show the average range for newer golfers, both male and female. The ranges can be quite large, and they can represent short, medium, and long hitters. There are also people who hit shorter as well as people who hit longer.


  • Female – 150/175/200
  • Male – 200/230/260


  • Female – 125/150/180
  • Male – 180/215/235


  • Female – 105/135/170
  • Male – 170/195/210


  • Female – 105/135/170
  • Male – 170/195/210


  • Female – 100/125/160
  • Male – 160/180/200


  • Female – 90/120/150
  • Male – 150/170/185


  • Female – 80/110/140
  • Male – 140/160/170


  • Female – 70/100/130
  • Male – 130/150/160


  • Female – 65/90/120
  • Male – 120/140/150


  • Female – 60/80/110
  • Male – 110/130/140


  • Female – 55/70/95
  • Male – 95/115/130


  • Female – 50/60/80
  • Male – 80/105/120


  • Female – 40/50/60
  • Male – 60/80/100

Hybrid Clubs and Yardage

Hybrids get numbered based on the iron they’re going to replace in your golf bag. A 4-hybrid would replace a 4-iron, and so on.

Gender and Yardages

There is a greater gap when you look at percentages between shorter and longer hitting female golfers than there is between shorter and longer hitting male golfers. This is due to the fact that better women golfers are usually able to drive a great deal longer than weaker women golfers. On the other hand, a male that hits 100-yards might be just as long as a male golfer who hits 80-yards. This is a lot less common amongst female players.

Learn Your Yardage at a Florida Golf School

You can find estimates and charts around the internet to help you learn what your drive is, or you can take a course or two at a Florida Golf School to understand the nuances of the game. You’ll notice that the numbers rarely match up because your distance depends more on the player, but we’ll help you figure out a ballpark range.

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